Michel Jullian founded OCM Manufacturing in September 1988 after managing the product development department at the Ontario Centre for Microelectronics, a centre of excellence created by the Ontario Government to foster chip-manufacturing capabilities in the area. Prior to that, he held various Design Engineering roles at the Industrial Applications of Microelectronics Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in France and abroad.
Michel is author and co-author of more than 27 technical reports and professional publications in both French and English, and has taught software engineering and microprocessing in Canada and the Philippines.
Michel serves on the Board of Directors of the Innovators’ Alliance, and on the Editorial Board for Canadian Electronics Magazine. He received his M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering at the University of Manitoba. He races a Van Diemen RF 85 in the Formula Ford regional championships, and his two-seater Barras can be seen at various charity and other events.