
MEDIA ADVISORY – China: From Risk to Opportunity: A Business Travelogue

Michel Jullian, President of OCM Manufacturing, to Speak to Ottawa Manufacturer’s Network

Ottawa, April 19, 2005: Michel Jullian, President of OCM Manufacturing, will be the featured speaker at the upcoming breakfast meeting of the Ottawa Manufacturers Network. Dr. Jullian’s keynote presentation will open the event’s half-day workshop on China – Threat, Source or Opportunity?

In his keynote presentation, Dr. Jullian will share his company’s business ventures into China. He will comment on the risks and opportunities for Canadian companies seeking cost reductions by outsourcing production to China, and will describe the outsourcing business model that OCM Manufacturing has successfully developed over two years.

Who: Michel Jullian, President, OCM Manufacturing
What: Presentation: “China Calling: One Company’s Journey into China for Business”
When: April 21, 2005, 8:15 AM
Where: Embassy West Hotel, Carling at Kirkwood

Founded in 1988, OCM Manufacturing is a private, Ottawa-based contract manufacturing serving small- to mid-size companies whose products include electronics. OCM’s customer base includes early-stage companies developing new products and those with established brand names in their fields. OCM focuses on providing high quality and highly automated electronics manufacturing services tailored to low- and mid-volume runs. OCM employs approximately 50 local staff and is ISO 9001:2000 registered.

Contact Information:

Shaun Markey