
OCM Employee Spearheads “Cornstock” Musical Event

Ray Boucher, OCM Manufacturing’s Purchaser, is co-founder of a new music festival in Cornwall, Ontario that’s bringing local rock bands together with legends like Helix, Streetheart and Prism.

This Friday, a special event co-organized by OCM Manufacturing’s Purchaser, Ray Boucher, will take place in Cornwall, Ontario. Cornstock is a one-day rock and roll fest taking place on August 10 in Lamoureux Park.

Ray and his friend, Jeff Burnet, decided to create the event in part to prove that their fair city isn’t dull. Ray used to dee-jay at places like the Aardvark, Northway and Snails, as well as managing record stores. Jeff also has a history in the entertainment business, even working with House of Blues to bring in acts such as Jim Cuddy, Blue Rodeo, Nazareth and Alice Cooper to Cornwall.

The festival will include both local acts Down on Bedford, Dark Days are Fair, Superstone and Trench Town Oddities; as well as long-lost national and international rock groups, including Helix, Streetheart and Prism.

Gates open at 1 p.m. for the licensed event. Shows begin at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person and can be purchased at Melody Music, City Limits, CD Warehouse (Ottawa), and through online.

All the details are available at the event’s website, listed below.

For more information:

Contact Information:

Shaun Markey