OCM President Delivers Guest Lecture at Ottawa U Supply Chain Management Class
Real-world experience in supply chain management enriches the next generation of supply chain managers
Students in a Supply Chain Management course at Ottawa University were treated to a guest lecture by OCM Manufacturing President, Dr. Michel Jullian.
The course is designed to give students a strategic understanding of SCM and its impact upon the business. Dr. Jullian shared his real-world experience of SCM issues in electronics manufacturing.
His lecture touched upon strategic challenges surrounding SCM, including external influences such as recent RoHS legislation, globalization of markets, and ever-shortening product cycles.
He also gave the students his thoughts about future trends for supply chain management.
– See more at: https://www.ocmmanufacturing.com/news/news_view.cfm?id=124#sthash.E6b8eFDt.dpuf
Contact Information:Shaun Markey