
OCM Transitions Customer to China

Manufacturer turns to OCM Manufacturing for turnkey contract manufacturing services via China

A team from OCM recently returned from Shenzhen, China, where it oversaw the transition of a customer’s manufacturing to OCM’s operations there. 

OCM is providing turnkey manufacturing and supply chain services to Terrapin Communications Inc., an Ontario-based manufacturer of water safety devices. All manufacturing and assembly will be handled through the Chinese facility, providing high quality manufacturing, labour cost savings, and scalability to high-volume manufacturing in the future. 

“We first engaged OCMT in 2002 to do low-volume manufacturing of ‘Turtle Power’, a battery pack accessory for our Safety Turtle product,” explains Bob Lyons, President, Terrapin. “In February 2004 OCM was contracted to build Safety Turtle receiver boards used in MariTech Industries’ [our OEM customer] award-winning Marine Engine Shut Off Systems and Wireless Alarms. In 2006 OCM took the new Safety Turtle wireless gate alarm from pre-production to volume manufacturing. OCM is now Terrapin’s turnkey manufacturing partner for all Safety Turtle sub-assemblies and products. Since 2002 OCM has consistently come through as thoroughly professional and trustworthy.”

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Contact Information:

Shaun Markey